Auntie Anne and "Watch and Learn, Honey"
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
I have been fortunate to have had army of women in my life who have taken turns holding me up. They have served me, loved me, challenged me, and made me laugh hysterically. It is my hope that one of my recurrent themes will be sharing the wisdom of these women; bit by bit and as they give me permission.
Someone who will make more than one appearance, I am sure, is my Auntie Anne. Hilarious, hard-working, generous, loyal, and wise. If she would allow me (which she wouldn’t) a book could be written on her. Now before I elevate her to sainthood and completely embarrass her let me just share one little nugget of wisdom that she gave me years ago.
I remember sitting on the sofa at a baby shower. I refuse to digress into the politics of a baby shower but suffice to say there were a lot of tidbits of advice going around. Welcome or unwelcome. A new mother at the time, I was shrinking under the overwhelming expectations that were being espoused all around me. I was just about to flee for refuge in a bathroom when a lovely older woman caught my eye. She was gracious and kind. Although she had raised several children she offered encouragement to the young mothers rather than fearsome warnings in grave tones. I didn’t know this woman but she was making an impression on me and allowing me to breathe the free air again.
When my Auntie Anne sat down beside me a few minutes later I leaned over and remarked to her how this lady stood out. She whispered into my ear, “Watch and learn, honey. Watch and learn.” I turned to look into her sparkly blue eyes surrounded by the most wonderful laugh lines. “That’s right. You have to do that your whole life. Watch and learn.”
Watch and learn. These three words have meant more to me than I will ever be able to put into blog words. Auntie Anne wanted me to study and emulate good character instead of rolling through life pretending I had it all together and had all the answers; a distinct danger for my twenty-something self.
The watch and learn mantra that Auntie Anne would remind me of several times over the years slowly changed me into a more observant and teachable person. Watch my friend drop everything without complaint to rescue my children and me on the side of the road when we run out of gas. And learn. Watch my mom attend to every need of a dying neighbor. And learn. Watch Auntie Anne send sweet Valentine’s cards to my teenage kids with a $5 bill just to bring delight. And learn.
Watch and learn sounds so simple but for a know-it-all such as myself it has actually been achingly slow. The fact that the concept is heavily backed up by the Book of Proverbs has been added encouragement and I can testify to the fact that the reward of learning from others the Lord puts in your life leads to a richer and a less critical existence. Instead of seeing people’s faults or being jealous of their strengths, you will gradually see God’s grace in their lives and be grateful. Instead of criticism or comparison you will find yourself blessed and inspired.
Thank you Auntie Anne for the example of joy, sacrificial service, and ridiculous humour. We are watching and learning, honey.